As part of our Wellness Initiative, we are compiling an area for staff to obtain information to help with their wellbeing. Please check in at time to see what we have added in each of the categories, and send in any information on topics and discussions that you wish to see.
Staff Wellness
Nurses Burnout
Nurse burnout is the state of mental, physical and emotional exhaustion caused by sustained work-related stressors such as long hours, the pressure of quick decision-making, and the strain of caring for patients who may have poor outcomes.
Gym / Workouts
While finding time can be a challenge, it's important to make time to workout and exercise. Simple tips like parking further away or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Head outside for meal breaks will help with getting moving during your busy day.
Shift work, long hours, and gruelling assignments can make it difficult for nurses to sustain a healthy and well-balanced diet. It is also noted that poor nutrition is linked to depression, anxiety and irritability and may contribute to higher nurse burnout rates.
Mental Illness
Nursing Solutions NSW supports all our employees. For staff experiencing acute distress, we wish to create a safe place for all to openly discuss mental health issues and we aim to work along staff to achieve personal goals within the workplace.
Self Care
Self-care is a set of practices and activities nurses should engage in regularly to help decrease stress levels and help nurses live longer healthier lives. Self-care replenishes a nurse's capacity to provide compassion, empathy and improves the quality of care.
Help within reach
Below is a list of all contact details for multiple organisations that can aid staff.
Mental Fitness Gym
An online gym where you’ll find tools and inspiration to build your emotional muscles so you’re better equipped to navigate life’s ups and downs. Join this online gym to help make building mental fitness within everyone’s reach. Start building your mental fitness today!
It’s a stone of courage, facing realities, and finding the strength to persevere no matter what.
When to use it: Whenever you are feeling side-swept by events in your life or if you know you are facing challenging times (whether it be an illness, major life change, or even just a slight shift you are struggling with), the Bloodstone will infuse every inch of your being with the pure aura of going forward.
Grapefruit has a fresh, invigorating aroma that encourages
feelings of joy, satisfaction, and playfulness. Instantly brighten your kitchen, living room, or office by diffusing its citrus scent, or apply it topically for smoother-looking skin.